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Getting started !

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

How do I customize the navigation bar?

The contents of the navigation bar which appears to the left of each page using the Monobook skin are determined by the MediaWiki:Sidebar page. For information on customising these, please see Manual:Navigation bar.

This is removed from my navigation bar

    • portal-url|portal
    • currentevents-url|currentevents
    • recentchanges-url|recentchanges
    • randompage-url|randompage
    • helppage|help
    • sitesupport-url|sitesupport


This is a list of conversion tools and plugins for editing.

Different tiools for converting documents to mediawiki markup


Pages with nice look

Returning page itself - Search for DynamicPageList "treeview" categories "current page"
Indeed, DPL always skips the page containing the DPL statement itself. Older versions which returned this page led to undesirable situations, to loops and to unwanted results. Maybe it could be made configurable because it depends on the discipline and design of the authors who write dpl scripts whether it seems acceptable (or even better as you pose) to include self references in the result.

You can easily comment the line out which blocks self references. 11:41, 12 June 2007 (CEST)

I can understand that there might be technical issues involving loops and such, but I can't imagine that the typical situation is where one would want to explicitly exclude the current page. It seems like it'd be easy to remove the current page using nottitlematch=MediaWiki but there is no way to do the reverse and to include the current page. I don't know which line to comment out in the code and I'd rather not do it if there other issues like infinite loops. By the way, the application that I need this for is for a way to auto-summarize a page. At the top of a page, I want to auto generate a summary of the templates being used from that page. So moving the summary to a different page is not an option for this purpose. In the main source code file (the really large one ;-) there is a comment which explicitly says : "block recursion". You can try to comment out the if statement that immediately follows. If you want a list of templates being called from the current page you might want to have a look into the mediawiki source code. When you edit a file these templates (including those which are indirectly referenced) are shown by the mediawiki software. So there must be a functionality to calculate that list... But I don' t think it can be done without programming. Gero 18:26, 13 June 2007 (CEST)

Skin template is saved in /wiki/skins/gumax/gumax_main.css
For font and css help see:

Use this Article to edit the Navigation Menu NavTree

Arrow-closed.png Arrow-open.png Blank.gif Doc3.gif Doc4.gif Doc-icon.gif File icon.gif Folder opn sml blu.gif Folder opn sml grn.gif Folder opn sml pur.gif Folder opn sml red.gif Folder opn sml yel.gif Folder sml blu.gif Folder sml grn.gif Folder sml pur.gif Folder sml red.gif Folder sml yel.gif Lastnode.gif Minus.gif Node.gif Plus.gif Vertline.gif

Google Extensions


Site Maps

Create new sitemap for

Here you can read about how to avoid Google scanning all special pages with robot.txt

Se hvordan man burde kunne skjule historien på billedsider (jeg har prøvet, men så kan logged in users heller ikke se den). Her er også et eksempel på hvordan man laver en sitemap. Og andet...

Optimering mod søgemaskiner

Google Analytics

Google Maps

Extension tag for adding <meta> keywords to the document header

Dette er sakset fra en anden side

If you are using Wordpress, use this handy sitemap generator. This plugin generates a Google Sitemaps compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog.

A free tool that will crawl a website and generate a ROR Sitemap up to 1,000 URLs for every search engines, not just Google

Kan ikke finde ud af hvad den ikke skal scanne This tool creates a sitemap as defined by Google™ for a website.

Google beta sitemap generator

Free Online Sitemap Generator that will build Site Maps online (XML, ROR, Text, HTML)

Nice short url's

I got the short/pretty url's working by following the description from:

I have as host, and the section Solution without alias works on Below is my modified version showing how I added pretty url's to

My site is in ~/web_root/wiki

Using this .htaccess in my directory, I was able to use short URLs and the redirection.

My Main_Page is renamed to Home. If your's is called Main_Page replace Home with Main_Page below.

My site is hosted at

In ~/web_root/.htaccess

RewriteEngine On
#Redirect to
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,L]
RedirectMatch ^/$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wiki$
RewriteRule ^(.*) /wiki/index.php?title=Home [L]

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^wiki/(.*) wiki/index.php?title=$1 [PT,L,QSA]

In ~/web_root/wiki/LocalSettings.php

$wgServer = "";
$wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1";

If you want to know more about URL rewriting read here:

Pæne korte url's

Rename Main page

Display any page, say, the main page. Then go to the URL in your browser's URL input line and replace the text "Main_Page" with "Mediawiki:mainpage". It should look like:

Then click the "go" button (or hit "enter" on your keyboard) to display that page. You can then click the edit tab... (actually, if you just click on the link I just pasted here to your wiki, that will do it too).

Aside: This is one way to create a new page as well - just replace the displayed page name with the name of a new page and try to display that - MediaWiki will show a that the page doesn't exist and offer to let you edit that to create it.

Opening external links in a new window




Printable version

Printable version

How to Embed FLV Video in MediaWiki
